

When agencies execute creative work for clients they sometimes find themselves in a position where they have multiple ideations in process. Selecting which direction is best can be challenging. Creative concept surveys are a quick and easy way to help you gather feedback about creative concepts you’re working on for a client.

With results guaranteed in only a couple days, creative testing is a quick and easy way to provide validation to the client backing your creative approach.

As part of the process, Second Wind will:

  • Write the questionnaire
  • Program and host the survey
  • Distribute survey to potential respondents*
  • Tabulate the results


*Includes 200 responses from adults 18+ across the US. Other criteria may incur additional costs.

Member Cost: $1,200 per survey
Non-Member Cost: $1,500 per survey


Creating a new logo or tagline for a client often results in multiple options. In addition to gathering feedback from your team and clients, a logo/tagline survey can tap into the opinions of others allowing you to see which concepts really resonate. It's a surefire way to narrow the field.

With results guaranteed in only a couple days, a logo/tagline survey is a quick and easy way to hone in on the concept that works best.

As part of the process, Second Wind will:

  • Write the questionnaire
  • Program and host the survey
  • Distribute survey to potential respondents*
  • Tabulate the results

*Includes 200 responses from adults 18+ across the US. Other criteria may incur additional costs.

Member Cost: $1,200 per survey
Non-Member Cost: $1,500 per survey


Awareness surveys allow marketers to quantify levels in consumer knowledge and awareness of their brands and related advertising campaigns. Additionally, these surveys can provide insight about a consumer’s emotional connection with a brand and gauge their loyalty and propensity to use a specific product or service in the future.

Awareness surveys are very useful when results are set against a clear benchmark such as data from a specific period, different markets, varying target audiences or against competitive brands. It is recommended that companies measure awareness regularly to determine if their marketing and advertising initiatives are effective.

As part of the process, Second Wind will:

  • Execute a discovery call to understand the goals of the study
  • Write the questionnaire
  • Research and secure participant lists, if needed
  • Program and host the survey
  • Tabulate the results
  • Provide a written report of the findings and recommendations

Pricing and timing is based on project specifications.


Employee surveys are an excellent vehicle for gathering insight about the dispositon and needs of your curent workforce. Additionally, they provide valuable insight on how a company can attract, train, retain and reward employees. Companies who conduct regular employee surveys and implement improvements and changes based on feedback, are likely to have less turnover and a more engaged staff. Employee surveys provide a specific channel for employees to express their views showing them that you care about their opinions and ideas. 

As part of the process, Second Wind will:

  • Execute a discovery call to understand the goals of the study
  • Write the questionnaire
  • Program and host the survey
  • Tabulate the results
  • Provide a written report of the findings and recommendations

Pricing and timing is based on project specifications.


Customer surveys are a great way for companies to gather feedback on many different topics. Common uses include customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, product usage, ideas for new products and services, advertising effectiveness and much more. The information gathered can be critical to future planning and implementing meaningful changes at the company.

As part of the process, Second Wind will:

  • Execute a discovery call to understand the goals of the study
  • Write the questionnaire
  • Program and host the survey
  • Tabulate the results
  • Provide a written report of the findings and recommendations

Pricing and timing is based on project specifications.