

agency procedures

Hate Performance Reviews? 10 Steps to a Better Process

Second Wind

Hate is a very strong word but sometimes it’s a fair word… especially when applied to performance reviews. The thought of spending valuable agency and employee time on something ...

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Rethinking Brainstorming: Imagineering Ideas from Disney

Second Wind

Have your agency’s brainstorming sessions been less than fruitful lately? If so, you might want to rethink the way you are conducting them. One of the most successful techniques ...

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Why Are Employees Failing to Perform?

Deborah Budd

Managing people can be the most difficult part of owning a small agency. Most agency owners are not trained in human resources management, and far too few understand the legalities ...

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Finding Your Next Best Account Ever

Finding Your Next Best Account Ever

Deborah Budd

Can you look at your present client list and say with conviction that they are all loyal, tied fast to your agency and sure to stay with you far into ...

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Test Your Presentations by Pretending to Be the Prospect

Deborah M. Budd

Rehearsal makes you more confident. Confidence plays very well to a business audience. Yet too many ad agencies and marketing communications firms go into new business pitches with little or ...

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Benefits of Employee Testing

The Benefits of Employee Testing

Jeremy Mullen

To properly value your workforce, you need strong insight into your employees. Understanding what a person knows; how quickly s/he can learn new information; how likely the person will ...

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Creative Chaos Theory

Creative Chaos Theory

Deborah Budd

Scientists once believed that events or occurrences in nature were predictable or able to  be mathematically calculated and predicted. Then along came chaos theory, proposing that many events are, in ...

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Watch Yourself…Hard Times Are Just Around The Corner

Second Wind

Many smaller agencies and design studios tend to forget hard times when clients are active and billings are flowing. However, most long-term advertising agency people (and other business people) never ...

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