

Creative Process/Product

Rethinking Brainstorming: Imagineering Ideas from Disney

Second Wind

Have your agency’s brainstorming sessions been less than fruitful lately? If so, you might want to rethink the way you are conducting them. One of the most successful techniques ...

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The Ad Man Who Helped Create Earth Day

Second Wind

On April 22, the world celebrated the fifty-fourth anniversary of Earth Day. Those in advertising and marketing might be interested to know that the sequence of events, ending up with ...

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The Virtual Canvas: Effective Brainstorming for Creative Teams

Laurie Mikes

In an era where virtual work environments have become the norm, smaller advertising agency creative teams are adapting their collaborative processes to thrive in this digital landscape. The challenge lies ...

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Mary Wells Lawrence, Legend and Inspiration

Second Wind

In celebration of Women's History Month let's take a look at The “first lady” of Madison Ave., Mary Wells Lawrence. If you are a woman of a certain ...

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Testing Copywriters Before You Hire

Second Wind

An important step in the hiring process is testing. This is especially true for design and copywriting positions. Many a creative has been hired by on the basis of a ...

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Account Execs Can Help Improve the Creative Process

Account Execs Can Help Improve the Creative Process

Second Wind

A survey by Hightail, a creative collaboration company, asked creative professionals about the effectiveness of the creative process. Just 23 percent said the process was effective. Twenty-eight percent called it ...

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How Weird Is Your Agency?

Deborah Budd

Some of my most enjoyable and productive days in this business were spent among weird but wonderful creative people. Those former co-workers brought high energy, side-splitting humor and an ability ...

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Your Creative Mandate

Second Wind

Over many years, we’ve advised our Second Wind member agencies to become more consultative, and to position their firms as strategic marketing partners with their clients. So, it may ...

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Work When You Feel Like Working

George Fuller

The first art director I ever worked with was a most accomplished slacker. In the morning, he would drift in well after everyone else, drop by his office and drop ...

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Five Ways to Improve Agency Productivity

Beth James

In terms of employee productivity, today’s rapidly evolving technologies are a two-edged sword. Faster, multi-functional mobile phones, tablets and pcs, continual software upgrades for everything from digital art to ...

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Creative Chaos Theory

Creative Chaos Theory

Deborah Budd

Scientists once believed that events or occurrences in nature were predictable or able to  be mathematically calculated and predicted. Then along came chaos theory, proposing that many events are, in ...

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